IT Service and Architecture

IT Service architecture, or Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), is a cutting-edge software methodology that operates the existing services and applications. In the software development ecosystem, architecture covers the core structure and design principles to guide developers. The SOA enables the system applications to integrate smoothly and use available services across the network allowing the developers to create innovative solutions by reusing pre-existing services. This modular approach ensures the services operate independently, making it easier to update and modify them without interrupting the functionality of other services.

Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA) often requires a substantial initial investment, but the system's functionality and versatility make it compelling across various contexts. SOA's true strength lies in its ability to create complex applications from diverse platforms and vendors independent of each other enabling you to build innovative applications with ease and flexibility.

Adopting SOA can systemize the development processes, improve system flexibility, and enhance efficiency in software solutions.

Elements of Service Architecture

The service architecture consists of various crucial components, such as:

  • Application interface
  • Services
    • 1. Business Services
    • 2. Infrastructure Services
  • Security
  • Process layer
  • Management
  • Business activity monitoring
  • Operational data score
  • Stakeholders

BCS Foundation Certificate in Architecture Concepts and Domains

TOGAF® 9 Foundation

TOGAF® Certified (level 1 & 2)